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Human Productivity Artist

Nicole Purvy

Real Estate Investor, Membership Biz Expert & YouTuber

Helping overwhelmed & overstimulated small business owners make MORE money, find MORE time & accomplish MORE while working & doing LESS through human performance & productivity optimization.

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Nicole Purvy

I am a serial small business founder and shareholder, real estate investor, and Human Productivity Artist. I help overstimulated small business owners make MORE money, find MORE time & accomplish MORE while working & doing LESS through human performance & productivity optimization.

I am most known for founding the Better Than Success Real Estate League, The Women in Real Estate Summit and Philly Real Estate Week.

I am the host of God Goals and Money Show, a Christian-based business, investing and productivity show on YouTube. I love to teach people about the 2 most productive and efficient types of businesses which are membership subscription businesses and earning recurring revenue through rental income (through the Better Than Success Real Estate League). I also publish the GGM Newsletter, a free, daily-ish email that shares productivity tips and important news that every small business owner and real estate investor needs to know.

Get To Know Nicole Purvy Better

Human Productivity Artist


Are You Overwhelmed and overstimulated with your 



Does This Sound Like You?

This is where you address some of the challenges or struggles your avatar might be facing.  When you list some of their biggest problems/frustrations better than they can, they'll know you are talking to THEM, and that they are in the right place. 

  • Do you feel like... I never have enough time to finish my todo lists
  • Does it seem... I never meet my financial goals in my business
  • Are you frustrated that... It's so hard to get into a good rhythm with steady income
  • And when it comes down to it, do you...  feel like you just dont know exactly what you should be working on


Proven Outcomes


"I’ve been investing for about 13 years now, but one pivotal part that changed my trajectory is when I joined Better Than Success with Nicole Purvy and her team. After joining, I purchased 12 houses, which was still one of my better years in my career



"Testimonial 2 goes here - get a testimonial from someone you've worked with or helped who can share their thoughts about you, your products/services, the measurable wins/results they've gotten, or the customer experience you provide."



"Testimonial 3 goes here - get a testimonial from someone you've worked with or helped who can share their thoughts about you, your products/services, the measurable wins/results they've gotten, or the customer experience you provide."



The God, Goals & Money Show

The latest

Add short copy here that gives a description of your podcast (who it is for, what you talk about), and captures their INTEREST so they'll click on the episodes below. 

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Episode 132- Title Here
Add short punchy copy here that gets them excited to listen to this episode, and how they'll benefit from it.  Listen To More

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Episode 143- Title Here
Add short punchy copy here that gets them excited to listen to this episode, and how they'll benefit from it.  Listen To More

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Episode 178- Title Here
Add short punchy copy here that gets them excited to listen to this episode, and how they'll benefit from it.  Listen To More


All Our Products

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Product Title Here

Add a description here of what the product is, WHY it is so amazing, WHY they need it, and what they'll learn/discover from it.

In this course, you will learn:

  • ​Awesome thing/Benefit 1, so you can...<what it means for them>
  • Awesome thing/Benefit 2, so you can...<what it means for them>
  • ​Awesome thing​/Benefit 3, so you can...<what it means for them>
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Product Title Here

Add a description here of what the product is, WHY it is so amazing, WHY they need it, and what they'll learn/discover from it.

Inside this training, you will discover:

  • ​Awesome thing/Benefit 1, so you can...<what it means for them>
  • Awesome thing/Benefit 2, so you can...<what it means for them>
  • ​Awesome thing​/Benefit 3, so you can...<what it means for them>
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Product Title Here

Add a description here of what the product is, WHY it is so amazing, WHY they need it, and what they'll learn/discover from it.

Inside, we'll show you:

  • ​Awesome thing/Benefit 1, so you can...<what it means for them>
  • Awesome thing/Benefit 2, so you can...<what it means for them>
  • ​Awesome thing​/Benefit 3, so you can...<what it means for them>



Pt 2 - 7 types of communicators (7 Questions Every Entrepreneur Needs to Answer)

Tuesday, June 25, 2024

Pt 1 - Design your Life (7 Questions Every Entrepreneur Needs to Answer)

Monday, June 24, 2024

5 Productivity Techniques to Try

Thursday, June 13, 2024

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Lead Magnet Offer CTA Box

Click The Button Below And Give Me Your Best Email Address To Get <your lead magnet>, and <tell them what you'll give/send them when they sign up, so they know there is something in it for THEM.)